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Showing posts from February, 2019

How to read a newspaper?

Are you one of those who open main door first thing in the morning in search for your newspaper?  Do you get flustered if it hasn’t yet arrived?  Do you get glued to the paper unmindful of other happenings at home?  Then you surely have a mind that is habituated or addicted to newspaper. What we don’t realise is that our addictive mind searches for titillation or sensation that all addictions bring. Addictive newspaper reading under pretext of thirst for information and news could be one too. Newspaper addicts probably enjoy high sensations, are very argumentative, hold strong emotions and get impatient by even superficial logic.  I know that because I was an addict for five decades. Had read newspapers without fail and on some days, I read ten newspapers, in detail. I was addicted to newspapers and my profession compelled me to scan them every day for three to four hours, every working day. But recently, I unsubscribed to all and started enjoying my existence, my breaths,