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Showing posts from September, 2018

The HINDU holocaust which India and World Forgot!

Racism and greed are potent enough to decivilise man and turn them barbarians_ anonymous quote. It is essential that humanity needs to take stock its past record of dehumanising mankind by certain nations and groups that claim superiority over others under varied imaginative perceptions and use superior race theories  for brutalising, turning and treating conquered people as cattle fit for nasty treatment and slaughter. Two nations in all history are stand highly guilty of this travesty. The Christian Colonial British & the Aryanist Nazis of Europe. While Nazism is looked down with grave disdain today, British have succeeded in hiding their crime records and even found success in propagating that their rule of India was one of transforming and modernising her. Pliable pot boiling English writers facilitated this false narrative of history that suppressed harsh facts. We must understand such narratives, get to the root of history so we can expose facts as it were so world ca

Let’s get rid of British Colonial Legacies. #1 # Congress Party

What’s a  legacy ? It usually denotes a property left by a will. It also means something positive learnt from a person or an institution. But here in the context of Colonial occupation of India, we can’t refer to any wealth as British left India high and dry by loot and exploitation. Or anything positive as exposed in many previous articles. Legacy here simply means the inheritance of practices left by predessors which the successors find and imitate as role models without applying minds as it suits them. This continual influence of Colonial British rule on the people of India, i deem fit to call is British legacy. Almost all History books hail British rule in India as conquerors who took Indians into the future. Even the contemporary average British are taught how well they modernised India. But for Colonial British, historians and media wrote India would have remained in medieval ages despite the fact that India was an advanced civilisation even during ancient times, medieval t

The myth of British contribution to India! #Democracy

It comes very easy for unthinking Indians to credit the British for any semblance of positives in their society and derogate their own past achievements & heritage as something mythical and non existent. It is also easier for them to be elated when a white skinner praises them & also get sceptic when someone amongst them does the same. So because of these reasons , many Indians came to be known as revolutionaries  by doubting the idea of India! Colonial Brits pat themselves for bringing democracy to India. Many historians give credit to them too. They inscribed this mythical positive in the text books of slavish Indians & called  themselves as Gods who rescued India from mire. Blamed India for superstitions and backwardness to cover up the fact British wrought on Indians the most sordid barbaric exploitation of a society to serve the cause of their own country.  As a result, Lord Ribon was hailed as the father of local governance in India and one of India’s oldest

How British screwed India? Divide and Rule

Propaganda doesn’t deceive people. It simply helps people to deceive themselves. - Eric Hoffer The only factual thing I read in school history texts was that the British practiced “Divide and Rule” policy so they could rule easy. No text book of independent India mentions that British brutalised India so they can rule for eternity. There are some mention of Jallianwala bagh, the Rowlatt act, the Simon commission but just superficially and care taken not to hurt young India. The facts that British  divided India in the name of religion, encouraged Christians to take a foot hold on education while discouraging Hindu community education, divided provinces and used castes to create deeper wedges were either forgotten or distorted. But yet, many Indians believe that the contemporary unity of the nation of India is due to the colonialists. But for the British, India would have been many nations, they claim. Not just many, most agree that the Indian nation was a British contribution. A