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Showing posts from 2016

Why I prefer Kshatriya Hinduism

Sanatan Dharma has been largely pacifist primarily because of the culture of values rooted in being right and because Brahmins dominated the religion. During the Vedic age, there was no caste system & classification of classes as per their work created castes. A sort of hierarchy. Honest and God fearing Brahmins dominated Bharat's cultural landscape and many Rishis and Saints rose from the community.  So much so it was easy for the Muslim invaders and the British to invade, conquer and loot without any resistance and much difficulty. Congress leaders mostly Brahmins educated abroad developed a contempt for the religion as their duration made them feel superior and thought it modern to practice such contempt. A look down attitude akin to the Colonial British rulers. The early ICS & later Civil servants adapted this attitude of brahmanical superiority to the citizens and even now a contemptous look down manner prevails on tax payers remains. India needs to stop being Bra